Behind the Scenes
We've collaborated with Three Quarters Films, Townie Films, and Blue Atom, and we strive to have a good time doing what we love, making movies

Jeremy "Phoenix" Williams directing Andrew Bonds and Kyle Vecsey on the set of Spared. Cinematographer Lee Clowers and 3QF CEO Rudy Gutierrez Jr. prepare for the next shot.

Cinematographer Lee Clowers preparing for a shot with Andrew Bonds, Kyle Vecsey, and 3QF CEO Rudy Gutierrez Jr. on the set of Witchbane: Hunters.

Jeremy "Phoenix" Williams directing Andrew Bonds and Eric Weiss as cinematographer Lee Clowers prepares on the set of Witchbane: Hunters

Jeremy "Phoenix" Williams directing the crew on the set of Witchbane: Hunters

Jeremy "Phoenix" Williams directing Andrew Bonds and Eric Weiss on the set of Witchbane: Hunters